
Enemies of the State (2020) Review

Enemies of the State (2020) Review

Enemies of the State (2020) Director: Sonia Kennebeck Starring: Paul DeHart, Leann DeHart, Joel Widman The world seems to have an insatiable appetite for true crime stories. Documentaries and docuseries which delve into some of the most unpleasant and mysterious acts of human behaviour are almost never-ending, as is our curiosity as we consume reams

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A Secret Love (2020) Review

A Secret Love (2020) Review

A Secret Love (2020) Director: Chris Bolan Screenwriters: Chris Bolan, Alexa L. Fogel, Brendan Mason Starring: Terry Donahue, Pat Henschel, Diana Bolan A Secret Love tells the story of Terry Donahue, a former All-American Girl’s Professional League Baseball player and her partner of 70 years, Pat Henschel. The documentary is sparked by Terry and Pat

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Assassins (2021) Review

Assassins (2021) Review

Assassins (2020) Director: Ryan White In February 2017, the first son of the late North Korean leader Kim Jong-il was assassinated in plain view at the Kuala Lumpur International Airport. One of the world’s most dangerous poisons, a VX nerve agent, was rubbed onto his face and eyes, killing him within an hour of seeking

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